Instructions:The diagrams below are similar to the examples above. If the block has units with letters onthem, put the letters in order from oldest to youngest, like we did with the two examples above.Add words for erosion events, folding events, intrusions, faults, tilting, etc. If the fault (orwhatever) is labelled with a letter, you will want to refer to it as "Fault A" (or whatever it iscalled). If there are several faults and they are not labelled, you can say "the fault on the left" orthe "fault on the right".If the block IS NOT LABELLED AT ALL (blocks 7 and 8), you are to describe the units. Youalso will need to look at the lilthologic unit symbols on the blocks and use the words for the rocktype in place of the description of the symbol. For example, instead of dots, you would say"sandstone". Instead of the dashes, you would say "shale". And instead of the bricks, you wouldsay "limestone". V's are volcanic rock, X's are plutonic rocks, etc. Just put your words in orderfrom oldest to youngest, like you did with the other diagrams.Solve the relative dating problems in the ten blocks below. Write the answers beside theblocks, with the oldest units at the bottom and the youngest units on top. Include allevents (folding, faulting, etc.) in their proper sequence.