Reeves, Amy. "Biogen's MS Drug Sales Light, Alzheimer's Data Pushed Back." Investor's Business Daily 27 Apr. 2015: A1. Print.
This is an example of a bibliographic reference made by the APA format.
The bibliographic reference is a very important element of academic work because it allows the author to show the works of other authors that were used as a research source. The standard format for presenting bibliographic references is called APA format. This format states that the reference must be made with the following information: Author's last name + author's name + book title + publisher name + publication date.
An example of this format was shown in the question above.
Reread the thesis and “blueprint” of three aspects to cover. List them in order and then analyze body paragraphs 1, 2 & 3. Does the writer’s thesis blueprint align with the body paragraph topics? yes or no explain
Down Below, hope it helps :)
The reasons stated in the thesis in order were...
1) Limits car usage that benefits people by making them happier and less tense individuals.
2) Smog and Greenhouse gases reduce.
3) People can get around easier in an easier fashion without all the havoc of traffic.
The blueprints do align with the body paragraph topics. In every single body paragraph, the reasons stated in the thesis are the topic sentence. For example, the first reason stated in the thesis was also the topic sentence in the first body paragraph, second reason was the second topic sentence in the second body paragraph, and the third reason was the third topic sentence for the third body paragraph.
Whem did you deliver the mail! change into passive voice
Answer: Did you deliver the mail yet? Just making sure.
But kai see's right through the trick
im confused