The following code is written in Java and creates all of the methods that were requested in the question. There is no main method in any of these classes so they will have to be called from the main method and call one of the objects created method for the code to be tested. (I have tested it and it is working perfectly.)
class Point {
private int x, y;
public void Point(int x, int y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public double distance (Point other) {
double distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((other.x - this.x), 2) + Math.pow((other.y - this.y), 2));
return distance;
public int quadrant() {
if (this.x > 0 && this.y > 0) {
return 1;
} else if (this.x < 0 && this.y > 0) {
return 2;
} else if (this.x < 0 && this.y < 0) {
return 3;
} else if (this.x > 0 && this.y < 0) {
return 4;
} else {
return 0;
class Name {
String firstName, lastName;
char middleInitial;
public String getNormalOrder() {
String fullName = firstName + " " + middleInitial + " " + lastName;
return fullName;
public String getReverseOrder() {
String fullName = lastName + ", " + firstName + " " + middleInitial;
return fullName;
User ideas for ro blox? I prefer no numbers or underscores.
do what the other person said
how to learn python ?
See below.
To learn python programming language, first, you have to know the basic. Surely, you may recognize this function namely print()
print(“Hello, World!”) — output as Hello, World!
First, start with familiarizing yourself with basic function such as print. Then step up with arithmetic and declare or assign variable then list.
Here are example of functions:
1.) print(argument) — If argument is a string (word-typed), make sure to use “” or ‘’ or else it’ll output an error and say the argument is not defined.
print(“Hi, Brainly”) will output Hi, Brainly
print(2+3) will output 5
Numerical data or numbers do not necessarily require “ “ or ‘ ‘
print(3+3) will output 6 but print(“3+3”) will output 3+3 which is now a string.
2.) type(argument) - this tells you which data/argument it is. There are
< class ‘str’ > which is string, meaning it contains “ “ or ‘ ‘< class ‘int’ > which is integer< class ‘float’ > which is decimal (20.0 is also considered as float, basically anything that contains decimal is all float type)< class ‘list’ > which is a list. List is something that contains elements within square brackets [ ]etc.
Make sure you also do print(type(argument)) as well so it will print out the output.
3.) Arithmetic
+ is additionEx. print(1+3) will output 4
2. - is subtraction
Ex. print(5-4) will output 1
3. * is multiply
Ex. print(4*5) will output 20
4. ** is exponent
Ex. print(5**2) will output 25
5. / is division
Ex. print(6/3) will output 2 — sometimes will output the float type 2.0
6. % is modulo or remainder
Ex. print(7%2) will output 1
4.) Variables
To assign a variable, use =
An example is:
x = 2
y = 5
print(x+y) will output 7
print(type(x)) will output the < class ‘int’ >
These are examples of what you’ll learn in basic of python - remember, programming depends on experience and always focus on it. Keep practicing and searching will improve your skill at python.
. Which of these perform real-world activities such as eating, sleeping, walking, and running in virtual worlds?
Explanation: I just took the test
See the lseek_example.c file. Modify the lseek_example.c, such that it reads from an input file (named "start.txt") and will print to an output file (named "end.txt") every (1+3*i)th character, starting from the 1st character in the input file. In other words, it will print the 1st character, then skip 2 characters and print the 4th one, then skip 2 characters and print the 7th one, and so on.
For instance, for input file:
It will output:
Iseek_example.c file contant:
// C program to read nth byte of a file and
// copy it to another file using lseek
void func(char arr[], int n)
// Open the file for READ only.
int f_read = open("start.txt", O_RDONLY);
// Open the file for WRITE and READ only.
int f_write = open("end.txt", O_WRONLY);
int count = 0;
while (read(f_read, arr, 1))
// to write the 1st byte of the input file in
// the output file
if (count < n)
// SEEK_CUR specifies that
// the offset provided is relative to the
// current file position
lseek (f_read, n, SEEK_CUR);
write (f_write, arr, 1);
count = n;
// After the nth byte (now taking the alternate
// nth byte)
count = (2*n);
lseek(f_read, count, SEEK_CUR);
write(f_write, arr, 1);
// Driver code
int main()
char arr[100];
int n;
n = 5;
// Calling for the function
func(arr, n);
return 0;
See the lseek_example.c file. Modify the lseek_example.c, such that it reads from an input file (named "start.txt") and will print to an output file (named "end.txt") every (1+3*i)th character, starting from the 1st character in the input file. In other words, it will print the 1st character, then skip 2 characters and print the 4th one, then skip 2 characters and print the 7th one, and so on.
For instance, for input file:
It will output:
Iseek_example.c file contant:
// C program to read nth byte of a file and
// copy it to another file using lseek
void func(char arr[], int n)
// Open the file for READ only.
int f_read = open("start.txt", O_RDONLY);
// Open the file for WRITE and READ only.
int f_write = open("end.txt", O_WRONLY);
int count = 0;
while (read(f_read, arr, 1))
// to write the 1st byte of the input file in
// the output file
if (count < n)
// SEEK_CUR specifies that
// the offset provided is relative to the
// current file position
lseek (f_read, n, SEEK_CUR);
write (f_write, arr, 1);
count = n;
// After the nth byte (now taking the alternate
// nth byte)
count = (2*n);
lseek(f_read, count, SEEK_CUR);
write(f_write, arr, 1);
// Driver code
int main()
char arr[100];
int n;
n = 5;
// Calling for the function
func(arr, n);
return 0;
Libby’s keyboard is not working properly, but she wants to select options and commands from the screen itself. Which peripheral device should she use?
voice recognition
compact disk
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can i have ur fortnite account if u hav one and dont use it :) i only say that cuz u mentioned fortnite
with the free version you can add effects (cheap effects) cut the video, crop some parts. and posting leaves a watermark until u buy money
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